Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Just an observation

Prior to this site, I maintained another blog where I really let it all hang out...whatever fool thing came in to my mind, and whatever fool language (ahem), I just typed it all down and put it out there.

But then I realized there were other things I wanted to say, and other ways I wanted to express myself, and so I began here. DISCLAIMER: I am not suggesting other site was "The Proud Home of the F Word" or "SpankMePink.com", I'm just saying I tended to talk about other things....usually along the lines of how grotty dirty my oven was, or how much I enjoyed the Stones concert. Nothing too shocking, okay??

This site has been, by and large, much kinder and gentler. And it still will be, when that's how I'm feeling. Over the last few days, things have come in to my head that I have considered posting, but then thought, "Oh, but that doesn't 'fit' your blog, this blog is meant to be more reflective."

Excuse me? It's my damn blog and I'll say damn if I feel like it. I may even haul out the F word (although I promise it will never become The Proud Home Of )

So here's to the Word that I currently consider the most important: Begin.

Everything I have ever written here is 100% who I am and how I felt. But there's a whole big pile of other things that I feel, see, do, and think. And that's okay.


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