Monday, January 1, 2007

Lazy Day

Oh man, today just isn't my day to be useful. I have to go back to work tomorrow (Boo-urns!) so I am protesting by being as unproductive as possible today. I did finish another scrapbook page this morning, and I suppose that counts towards being productive... but at the same time, I am currently too lazy to actually get out my camera so I can post it here. Maybe later. Maybe not.

I just spent more than an hour "checking in with my girls", a euphamism for reading all my favourite blogs. Forest Sister, Rosie, Ali, Donna, Lisa, Louise, the list (sadly) goes on and on. Which reminds me....First, totally loving Lisa Bearnson's "year in review" video, although I am pea green at all the cool places she visited last year. Second, is Becky EVER going to do anything with her web site? And thirdly, no more Donald Trump for yours truly, I'm with Rosie all the way!!

I also watched A Prairie Home Companion this morning, which I enjoyed but am quite certain I didn't understand. We are planning to watch Jarhead tonight (which I keep referring to as Jughead.)

Mario is currently on the phone with his son in Portugal. I get such a kick out of hearing him speak Portuguese. Friggin language makes ZERO sense to me. I have a relatively good grasp on all the romance languages, but Portuguese is completely beyond me. I used to thumb through our Portuguese encyclopedia until I found a word I was sure I understood, like airporto, and then try to make sense out of the entry. Then I would translate what I had just read to Mario and he would piss himself laughing.

Anyway, that's enough rambling for now. I should get back to being dead useless....


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