Thursday, April 26, 2007


Yesterday the speculation was finally put to rest: Rosie O'Donnell is leaving The View.

I'm still not sure how to feel about this. On one hand, I can literally COUNT on one hand how many times I actually saw The View (all of them since she joined, by the way) as I'm not usually home during the day and still consider VCR's to be one of God's Unsolved Mysteries. When I did have the opportunity to watch, however, I tuned in only because of Rosie. Will I watch after she's gone? With no disrespect to the other ladies, the answer is a clear no.

I am a huge fan of hers, but my admiration is centred on her blog, . Her prose-poetry, her honesty, and her passion inspired me long before I saw The View. And the Questions & Answers? Who else DOES that? That's the best part of the whole thing, listening to her speak to unmet stranger-friends, making her so so so real.

I actually heard the news while I was still at work last night. I was writing a contract when I received an email from Kathleen alerting me that The Decision Had Been Made. As psycho as it sounds, I immediately powered down my computer so I could get home and power up here. (In my own defense, it WAS 8:30 pm)

I am sad she is leaving her mainstream forum, a forum where she was able to speak out to so many Americans. But I am happy in the knowledge that the blog won't be going away.

Dear Rosie,

thank you for always having the courage to speak your mind. You weren't always right, but at least you were honest. Thank you for your tireless work for the forgotten in society, thank you for what you did for the children of Katrina, thank you for screaming about the 9/11 first responders, thank you for decrying the immoral war, thank you for helping people see that a gay family is no different from any other, thank you for making me laugh, thank you for making me cry, thank you for making me THINK. Yellow to you, stranger-friend. Because of you, I know the world won't be same same same.

Peace out.


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