Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Weekend in Five

1. First actual spring weather has finally arrived. Last weekend: massive blizzard which cancelled flights. This weekend: 15 degrees Celcius and sunshine which woke my Inner Gardening Demon from a long, cranky sleep.

2. Yesterday, Brian and I cleaned up last year's mulch out of my flower bed, and then looked long and hard at the garden lighting. Said lighting was installed long before I entered Mario's life; it doesn't meet my design needs, and half of it doesn't work any more. Brian and I therefore decided it needed to GO, and were not deterred by the fact that the electrical cable had been buried beneath the front lawn. So, now I have a ragged trench across my front lawn that Mario is ready to murder me over...but at least the old fixtures are gone. Hee Hee.

3. This morning Brian and I went to the park up the street to play frisbee. We both suck. But we both laughed a lot. Mission accomplished.

4. I just waxed my legs.(TOLD you it wouldn't last four weeks.) Ended up with all these little blobs of blue goo left on my shins, however the kit helpfully provides these little wipes to deal with just such issues. Huhm. WIpe is now long gone but my legs are still tacky. Instead of marvelling at their smooth, shimmering loveliness, I am amazed by exactly how much dog hair can be adhered to the human leg. Nasty nasty NASTY.

5. Kelly implied that tonight may be the final episode of The Amazing Race. Remind me to never listen to her, because, CLEARLY, if that show ends I will die.


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