Tuesday, April 17, 2007

It all comes down to the chowder

As of today, I am officially entering A Stressful Period at work. I have many, many, MANY high profile events coming up in the next six weeks, and, despite the fact that I try to work a month out, I also have a surprising number of clients who feel that telling me their needs a whole 48 hours out is unrealistic. I am FREAKING OUT. I have international conferences, I have world famous musicians, I have social galas, I have multinational AGMs complete with press rooms staring me in the face. And no one seems the slightest bit concerned about this except ME. In each client's nonchalance I can see that they truly believe they are My Only Client, and that I sit around in a bored trance waiting for them to provide sacred nuggets of INFORMATION and holy GOD are they wrong.

The thing I find interesting about this particular StressFest is how much I actually adore my clients. They are usually interesting people I'd like to know under other circumstances. I really do like them, otherwise I wouldn't do what I do. But this is business, bitch, so how 'bout YOU TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT??

In the midst of all this, I received an email from a former client, a client who was a rare joy to me. (In an effort to protect the somewhat innocent, let's call her Mary.) During my professional relationship with Mary, she fell in love with our clam chowder... and man, I don't BLAME her, we make one mean chowder, the kind of chowder that would make you re-examine your religious beliefs. And everytime we had the chance to shove some down her throat, we were ALL over that.

When her conference ended, I had the kitchen make some, vacuum seal it, freeze it, and then pack it in additional ice packs so she could put it in her checked luggage for the trip home, therefore enabling her to whip some of this Liquid Love out of her freezer at a moment's notice.

She and I have resumed corresponding in the last few weeks, no longer because she's my Client, but because she's just really cool. And tonight she sort of half asked whether we would send her more chowder, if she had a colleague travelling to her city.

I almost cried, I was so excited. Here was a Person, a Person who Knows Me, a Person who Knows Our Hotel, asking for some soup. Sweet Jesus, girl, tell me how many GALLONS you want and I will get the kitchen on it.

This is the true reason I Do What I Do. Mary and I may never set eyes on each other again, but I will always make sure she has chowder.


Blogger Kelly Fowler said...

mmm chowder. you know, i've never had any chowder other than corn chowder. when (inshallah) i come and see you one day i must try this amazing food!

April 19, 2007 at 7:01:00 p.m. AST  

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