Saturday, April 28, 2007

Rainy Saturday

It is 2:30 pm, time for me to actually do something useful, unfortunately. Turns out we both need to go spend a few hours at the office; this wasn't exactly what I was looking for when I asked if we could so something together today.

On the way in to work, we're going to drop off some pictures to be printed. I have several layouts "completed" for a theme album I've been working on without having the actual photos. Very weird feeling to scrap this way. I do have a 4x6 printer here at the house but I find the resulting prints dark so I use it sparingly. And for one of the layouts, I need an 8x10; when I worked on that one, I had to make room on the table for my open laptop, so I could refer to the photo from time to time. Still, it was an interesting excerise for me in that I had to concentrate on the bones of the page itself, without the photos to guide my decision making. We'll see how it turns out.

The other thing about this theme album is that I have abandonned my usual (time-and-stress-saving) habit of picking just a few papers and embellishments for the whole album. I have so much stuff here already that I decided to start using my stash (including some of the new things I got in Toronto earlier this month), rather than purchasing all new stuff. I can barely pick up my Cropper Hopper full of cardstock at this point, so it's time to start using it.

I am really, really proud of my opening layout. I would love to post it here, however the album is a gift, and don't want to risk the recipient seeing it before it's all done. Soon, though, you will see my Masterpiece...


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