Friday, February 23, 2007

Pity Party is officially over

Sorry for being such an "Oh-poor-me" loser yesterday, just needed to get it out of my system. So here's a quick update on the Rest of My know, the things that actually matter.

Mario is doing slightly better, he has seen the Light and turned to drugs. Seriously, the man has a deep aversion to taking medications of any kind. And while I respect this in general, I think he now sees that a few muscle relaxants and Tylenol 3's can be a pretty fine thing. He has also been to his chiropractor ("witch doctor", she said under her breath with her lips grim), which he says helps him. Whatever, I don't care if he does to an ACTUAL witch doctor, just help him with the pain.

Brian, on the other hand, is sick as a dog again. I was supposed to pick him up tonight, but Ken (his dad) was only able to get Brian a doctor appt tonight, so I'll go get him in the morning. We are all a little concerned about this; Ken and I took him to the doctor two Saturdays ago (Brian was too sick to come to my house so I went to their house for the day), the doctor said strep and gave him a course of antibiotics which only ended three days how come he's got the same thing again?? Anyway, I can't wait to get my hands on my little baby and mother him to death.

Mario has, gloriously, caught the Gardening Bug. I have NO idea where this came from, but he is turning out to be as big of a geek as me, all of a sudden. I get a gardening catalogue in the mail, and I have to fight him for it! When I come home with a magazine clutched to my chest and admit I have bought yet another gardening magazine, his response is "Gimme!" He even went out and bought a $100 landscaping software program. This is completely bizarre....but I'm not complaining! And finally, check this out: he wants to dig up part of our front lawn. Oh my God, my dreams may actually come true...

You know, I actually have the best life. I may have a sick kid and an injured lover, but I have them. My God I'm lucky.


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