Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Police on the Grammy's

That's it? Just "Roxanne"?? I mean, I knew it would only be one song, but....I'm not ready for it to be over.

Plus I lost my bet with Mario, I said they wouldn't do "Roxanne" because it's too predictable. Shows what I know.

Aw man, the POLICE. I am much, much more of a Sting fan than I am a Police fan, but they ROCK.

In other news, just to put closure on the previous post, I am no longer lonely, have my honey on the couch next to me. No, not lonely. But not particularly happy, either. Mario has somehow managed to screw up his back again, slipped disc. We went through this two years ago and it is NOT pretty. Last time, he spent several months sleeping in a wooden Adirondack chair in our livingroom. This afternoon, I went out to brush the snow off one of the chairs, and hauled it in to the livingroom to dry in case he needs to sleep in it tonight. I also got his crutches out from the back of the closet, and he is managing to hobble around the house with them.

My poor baby, I don't want him to go through this again. And from a selfish point of view (and in keeping with what I said yesterday), let's not forget the man had surgery seven weeks ago. And now his back is messed up. It is beginning to look like I will never have sex again.

Well....I'd still love him anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss home. =(

February 12, 2007 at 1:07:00 a.m. AST  

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