Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Mixed Feelings

Tomorrow is, for better or for worse, Valentine's Day.

This particular "holiday" (snort!) leaves me conflicted. On one hand, I find the whole thing vaguely nauseous: if you need one day in a year set aside to tell someone you love them, you have problems far larger than I can help with, my friend. It actually creeps me out quite a bit, the idea that every February you turn to the person you love and say, "ummm.....I'm supposed to say something nice to you today, so...ummm...." Gross, gross, gross. I do NOT want that in my life.

I have long made this sentiment known, have long vocalized how offensive the very idea of the day is to me. And so one year I received no candy, no flowers, no recognition of the day. And I FREAKED. "It's Valentine's Day, couldn't you at least get me a card??"

Isn't it funny the way we believe we want one thing, but secretly wish for the other?


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