Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Hotel Widow

If you, or someone you love, don't work in the hotel industry, then you can't possibly understand the life Mario and I share. I suppose that, in many ways, it's like living with a doctor: you send your loved one out to their work day, with no idea of when they're coming home. At least with a doctor it actually IS an unknown... with us, Mario will go to work at 8 am, with full knowledge that the earliest he will grace our door is 4:00 am, and further with the understanding he will be back to work four hours later.

Do not misunderstand me, Mario doesn't work those kinds of hours every day, but those incredibly long days are a normal part of running a sucessful banquet floor.

The problem for Us-- and the pride of the hotel -- is that Mario is, literally, a Legend. There is no one like him, not even his incredibly trained protegees, and our clients bloody know it. If I had a dime for everytime a client said to me, "But Mario will be there for our event, right??".... well, if I had those dimes, he'd never be at anyone's function again.

Difficult to be "married" to someone who is in such high demand. I admire him, I am proud of him, I work with him and so I depend on him, I am in awe of who and what he is. But add to all THAT the fact that I happen to be in love with him, and you have a recipe for grumpiness. I understand that Everybody wants him, and I understand it is his responsibility to be there for Them. And I FURTHER understand that their insistance to have "him-no-one-else-I-don't-care-about-anything-else-just-give-me-him" pays our mortgage. And, even further, I understand that the long hours he puts in are a direct result of what I have done, with my job in Sales and the fact that I push, " know you get Mario..."

But there literally comes a point when I want to say, "Listen, I'm glad that you and your 400 guests had a great night, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your confidence and your business. But I am relatively sure that the man would rather be at home with me, so can I have him back, please??"

Come home, Mario.


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