Sunday, February 18, 2007


I have to leave for work in a half hour. I just spend the last hour watching a documentary about K-63, the tomb found last year in Egypt. The whole hour asked the question, "But whose tomb is it?"

Well, it just ended and I still don't know, the hour ended at the most exciting part! Why? Because there is a second documentary which, I presume, will contain the tantalizing answers. And I have to go to work!! Not fair, not fair!

Speaking of going to work, must admit that I have gotten pretty tired of my part time job. I still love statistics, and I still believe in the project, but as we approach the end, it is getting harder and harder to actually get anything done. To put it in context, on my very best day, I managed to get eight questionnaires done, and I had many days when I would finish five. The other day, our entire department finalized seven. Where I once approached my work day with passion, I am now reduced to the, "Well, I'm going to make my money and go home."

The other discouraging part is the actual amount of money I made....which is quite a bit, thanks. When I took the job, I once more had planned to save for our vacation, and based on how much I have made, we would have been able to have the best vacation we've ever taken. But sometimes fate has other plans; we ended up buying another car, second hand, which we did need. All of my part-time money will just pay for it. We really did need another car, but now I have no idea how I am going to finance any summertime adventures. At this point, it looks like we will spend two weeks at home, and for kicks we'll be able to go out to the driveway and sit in the bloody thing.


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