Thursday, February 22, 2007

My Pity Party

I'm not going to get in to details (because they are long, boring, and numerous) but I kind of half thought I was about to move in to a new phase in my career. Not a promotion or anything flashy like that, but a time of...oh, for lack of a better word, prominence. It just looked like I was going to have the opportunity to shine, to rise to new challenges, to move in new directions, to evolve. Please understand I am NOT saying I thought I was "entitled" to this, I just really thought I would be given a shot, and had reasons to believe this. And this type of growth opportunity only comes along every few years; someone is selected by the Groom-ers to become the Groom-ee. I was very, very excited. I so love what I do.

Blah blah blah, turns out I was wrong. The new opportunities which I thought were mine will actually go to someone else, and I am somewhat on the devastated side. I feel like I should add a line to my business card which says, "...when you're willing to settle for second best."

Not feeling particularly good about myself right now.

On the drive home tonight, I was actually able to look at the situation in a rational manner, was able to come up with several things I can do to ensure this doesn't happen to me again. All very positive, all self-affirming. I may have been looked over this time, but it is up to ME to ensure that doesn't happen again. And tomorrow, I promise I am getting on board with that.

But for tonight, I get to wallow. Surely I'm allowed one night.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, you are hard on yourself...way too hard.
You are the funniest, smartest and (apart from Chaission) hottest thing on the Exec floor!
Because you are in need of some attention and recognition for all the crap you deal with I'll say this:
You are the most amazing person, you make me laugh, when I’m with you I am hilarious-we need to go on tour! You could sell a ladies hat with a Vulture on it to Snape, contact lenses to Dr. Bunsen-Honeydew or a Sax-a-ma-phone to Homer. You can pull a conference out of your ass at a moments notice, sell some mouldy dessert to a banquet for 500 and still have time to call 5-thousand new messages back! You are the go to person if you ever want to vent, unwind, have a smoke, gossip, slag, laugh, drink, tell a secret to, or just plain be silly are the heart, soul and sometimes guilty conscious of the department. I wouldn't want you to stay if you are really unhappy but you do an excellent job, and no one tells you enough!

Or more eloquently in the immortal words of your man Clint:

"I used to think if I died in an evil place then my soul wouldn't make it to heaven. Well, fuck. I don't care where it goes as long it ain't here."

Love ya, Mare

February 22, 2007 at 11:32:00 p.m. AST  
Blogger Jenn said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

February 23, 2007 at 6:35:00 p.m. AST  
Blogger Jenn said...

Darlin, you rock my world. Thank God I have people like you in my life. Love love love the Clint. But DUDE, I have never sold a mouldy anything to anyone! That just about gave me heart failure! LOL

February 23, 2007 at 6:43:00 p.m. AST  

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