Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Full circle

When I was a little girl, waaaaaaaaaaay back in the late 70's, I remember going over to my friend Anne's house (name changed to protect the innocent and embarrassed) to listen to our 45's and records. Yes, "records". Look it up.

I was nine, so my parents would have been, let's see, in their early thirties. Anne's parents were at least fifteen years older than that.... and trust me, when you yourself are that young, a fifteen year age gap in parents is like a century.

In my house, our sleek black Sony turntable sat on top of a small glass and chrome table in our living room, and my parents listened to Donna Summers, Fleetwood Mac, and Supertramp. In Anne's house, the turntable was housed inside a monolithic but wooden cabinet with built-in mesh speakers kept in their parlor. The storage space underneath swung open to reveal their prized collection of Anne Murray, Roger Whittaker, and Nana Mouskouri.

Dude. So not cool. I remember being horrified at how old it all seemed.

Let's now rocket to the present. In my job, I don't work directly with celebrities, I work with thier "people". It's still pretty interesting, though. Some of my clients have included the Tragically Hip, Our Lady Peace, the Stones, Snoop Dogg, blah blah blah, etc etc etc.

Today I found out I might get to work "with" another musician. And I almost had to flipping sit down, I was so excited.

Might Get.
To Work.
Gordon Farking Lightfoot.

I am so excited I am a giddy little girl. And oh man, if you don't see the irony in this, then you're not paying attention.

PS. Did I mention Gordon Lightfoot??????


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i never said they weren't related... just effed up.

p.s. GORDON!!! yay!

January 25, 2007 at 2:12:00 a.m. AST  

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