Monday, January 29, 2007

Love is a gameshow?

Mario and I don't make a point of watching the "Deal or No Deal" gameshow; I think we have seen it six times in our lives. But if we have the TV on, flipping channels, and come across it, there's a reasonable chance we'll stop to look.

Like now.

I don't get a particular thrill out of the program, but out of the things it says about Mario and me. In this game of chance, when things are looking dicey for the player, we will say to each other, "What would you do? Take the deal or keep playing, possibly losing everything?"

My answer is invariably, "Dude, I would sooooo walk with the cash I have now, it's too stressful to play those kinds of odds."

And his response is invariably, "Screw it, let it ride. Blaze of glory, baby."

From a personality point of view, he and I are at completely different ends of the spectrum. Thank God we somehow found each other in the middle. Love you, baby.


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