Sunday, January 28, 2007

And how was your Saturday?

Tonight, when my son went to bed at 10pm, I lay down with him for a minute. If you are a parent, you are saying, "Minute, my ass", and you are right. It is 1:21 am and I just woke up.

Brian and I had an awesome Saturday, billed as "Brian & Amah's Day of FUN". We have had three or four of these in the past two years, and essentially what it amounts to is a day of yes. If he wants to go to the amusement park, the answer is yes. Have ice cream for breakfast, yes. Go for a walk in the woods, yes. You get the idea, a day of anything his little heart can dream up.

This highligts of this particular Day of FUN (and "fun" must be capitalized because you kinda have to shout it) were affected slightly by the impossibly cold and windy weather. We started off at 9:30 this morning by picking up a new Lego set, along with sauerkraut hotdogs and yummy fruit concoctions at Orange Julius around 10:15am. Back to the house to construct said Lego and surf StarWars related web sites. This afternoon, we went to the movies and ate the delicious, salty, bright yellow popcorn you just can't make at home. We came home to change, and finished our day off with a seven course dinner from The Windjammer, one of Canada's greatest restaurants, conveniently located in "my" hotel.

Brian loves the Windjammer, and the Windjammer loves him. He is such an adventurous soul when it comes to food that the kitchen staff has universally adopted him as a pet, they get such a charge out of dreaming up new, enticing little tidbits for him to try.

Tonight, he had a quenelle of lobster & cream cheese on potato crisp, wild mushroom risotto with smoked duck, five onion bisque, lobster in white chocolate, apple & ginger sorbet, prime rib, and Chocolate Bruno. He also tried the Arctic char confit I had instead of the risotto, and the venison I had as my main course. He loved every bite, and as each course ended he would give me his gastronomical opinion of each dish, while looking forward to whatever new thing was about to be placed before him.

I love that about him, his openness to all things new. The lobster in white chocolate wasn't on our menu, it was a surprise course the kitchen had prepared for us. And even though I know the dish sounds bizarre, he never hesitated for a second, he trusted the chef and his trust was well founded. That stuff was the bomb.

All of this culminated in us driving home tonight in a food coma. Brian knew that, as part of our day of FUN, he could stay up as late as he wanted, but as soon as we got in the door he said, "Mumma, come lay with me, I want to go to bed." Of course he did, poor bugger, he had just sat through seven courses! And of course I was going to go cuddle, it's his day to decide what he wants. He wanted me.

Best day.


Blogger Kelly Fowler said...

Could I please sign up for "Kelly and Amah's Day of FUN" - pretty please??

January 28, 2007 at 11:51:00 p.m. AST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw! That sounds like an awesome time! I assume this means he won't be around when I'm home this weekend though. :(

January 29, 2007 at 10:57:00 a.m. AST  
Blogger Jenn said...

Lambie, no, Brian isn't going to be here, unfortunately.

Kelly, believe me when I say that our day of FUN is 100% pre-planned. It doesn't involve much Lego, though!

January 29, 2007 at 8:21:00 p.m. AST  

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