Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bad dream = Bad day

Photo is actually from a GOOD day, not the day described below.

It is rare that I have a nightmare, but when I do, I go full tilt.

I went to bed last night in a good mood, then read my book for a bit which put me in a better mood. By the time I turned off the light, the bed was nice and warm so my mood was further improved.

I woke up at 5:00 am in tears, after finally managing to wrench myself out of a terrible nightmare. I cried quietly to myself for a few miuntes, then got up to use the bathroom, thinking the act of physically getting up would help me shake it off. No such luck. I climbed back in with Mario and woke him up with the words, "Honey, I had a bad dream...." He put his arms around me and I lost it, completely and spectacularly.

One of two things then happened: either I never actually fell totally back to sleep and I lay there mulling the dream over, or, more likely, I fell asleep and got dumped right back in to the same dream.

Woke up weepy at 7 am. Had a hard time putting on makeup because, although I wasn't crying, I just couldn't keep my eyes from leaking. I felt like I had been physically beaten and was exhausted.

Finally, in the car on the way to work, Mario said, "Aren't you going to tell me what your dream was?"

I started to cry again. Damn it I hate nightmares. I blurted out, "I dreamed that you left me because you got tired of me."

Listen, the fully awake part of me knows that he would never leave me. The half asleep part of me, on the other hand, could not be consoled. Took me until noon to shake it off completely. Yucky.


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