Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Home sick today

A truly stunning sinus infection has sidelined me for now. I went to the drugstore this afternoon to purchase nasal spray (how's THAT for sexy?), and, for reasons I will never completely understand, decided this was a good time to re-visit waxing. Hey, I'm sick, humour me. I bought a waxing system which promises four weeks of smooth skin.

My personal history with waxing tells me it's not worth it. All these products that promise four weeks of smooth skin.....either they are lying or I'm some kind of Yeti, because I am always disappointed. So, just for fun, I waxed ONE leg, and will shave the other. Over the next few weeks, I will seriously weigh the convenience but lackluster results of waxing against the time consuming but reliable results of shaving.

On a related topic, last fall I bought some Dove body lotion which promised the glory of smooth, sexy skin. I religiously applied this lotion to one side of my body, from shoulder to toes. I didn't tell Mario about this, by the way, so when, after three weeks, I thrust my shins in front of him and said, "Here, feel this!", he had no idea what his crazy girlfriend was up to now. He cautiously and thoughtfully felt both my legs and arms, and then pronounced the left side of my body infinitely softer. Good news for Dove, the left side was where I had applied their product.

What I learned is that, while some beauty products may be so much clap-trap, some actually DO make a difference. Too bad that my interest in being soft, sexy and smooth usually coincides with the times that I am the Hacking Queen of Phlegm.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw but Jenn, at least you a "Girlie" Hacking Queen of Phlegm"
Love you! Mare

March 17, 2007 at 6:41:00 p.m. AST  

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