Wednesday, February 28, 2007

10 Things that Suck

The following have all happened to me recently, although, thank God, not all today.

1. That "I wanna go back!" panicky feeling you get after you quit a well loved job, even though you know you did the right thing.

2. Putting your thumb through a brand new pair of nylons.

3. Worse, only having one pair of nylons left in your drawer on a day you are running LATE, and realizing they have a run in them so wide you could give birth through it.

4. Setting a full beer down on the floor next to you as you prepare to watch American Idol, and promptly kicking it over. (Okay, that happened tonight.)

5. Checking your lottery ticket and realizing you have yet another pink bookmark that cost $4.

6. Never getting laid again. (Hey, either you've been paying attention or you haven't.)

7. Non-stop Anna Nicole and Britney coverage on the "news".

8. Getting distracted while making your coffee, and inadvertently adding double the amount of sugar you wanted.

9. Condescending people. People who don't listen. People who repeatedly interrupt while you are mid-sentence.

10. Ummm.....writer's block.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good words.

November 11, 2008 at 1:20:00 a.m. AST  

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