Monday, March 5, 2007

Dance Your Cares Away

Spent a fantastic evening with my son and my little sister. We decided it was Movie Night, so Louise and I ran to the corner store to pick up junk food and a movie. But before I could rent some forgettable movie, Louise squealed when she spied treasure in the $2.99 bargain bin.

Brian expected us to come home with something he had at least heard of. What we showed up with, however, were four discs of Fraggle Rock.

When Louise was a tiny girl, it was our ritual to watch Fraggle Rock on CBC every Sunday night at 7:00 pm. She'd crawl on to my lap, and we would spend a half hour with Gobo, Red, Mokie, Wembley and Boober. We were so excited to find these DVD's, and share them with Brian. Brian, on the other hand, had no idea what we were talking about (okay, I'm a baaaaaaaad Mummy) and was not happy that we chose some Muppet thing instead.

Tonight, from the first bar of the first song of the first episode, Louise and I sang along. LOUDLY. And it was obvious Brian thought we were giant losers, and that the show was far too "baby" for him. Hell, at that point Louise and I didn't care, we were reliving a moment in our lives.

So funny and wonderful that, by the time we began the fourth episode, Brian had crawled in to my lap. And although he didn't know the words to the songs, he was beginning to hum along. He laughed out loud a few times. And he can't wait for his auntie to come back tomorrow so we can watch more episodes.

Dance your cares away,
Worries for another day.
Let the music play
Down at Fraggle Rock.


Blogger Kelly Fowler said...

right on ~ i bought my brother a fraggle rock dvd for his birthday and you would've thought he'd died and gone to heaven.

there are days i wish that sunday night's wonderful world of disney - followed by fraggle rock - was still a "BIG" thing for kids nowadays.

March 6, 2007 at 2:24:00 p.m. AST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta get a Gorg!


March 12, 2007 at 6:26:00 p.m. AST  

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