Thursday, March 8, 2007


My bestest friend in the whole world, the Delightful, the Incomparable, the Spectacular, the Superlative Kelly Fowler, has had a scrapbooking layout published in Memory Makers magazine. I am freaking out.

I AM keeping it in perspective: one layout published does not a career make. But it is a start, it is a publishing credit, it is a nod to her amazing talent, and it is the beginning of all the wonderful things which I know are in store for her.

And, when I am working for her three years from now, you can look back at this blog and know that I "knew" first. (I am soooooo going to ride her coat tails, ha ha.)

She is an absolute goddess and one of the joys of my life. I am a better person because of her love, faith, and sense of humour. I only wish I could be with her tonight....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss home. *pouts*

March 11, 2007 at 11:52:00 p.m. AST  

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