Saturday, December 16, 2006

Never a dull moment...

It is 1:00 am, and I am home by myself. My love should be here. My son should be here.

Instead, my darling son is sleeping at my Mum's house a mile away in case I need to leave the house suddenly during the night. This evening my love was admitted to the hospital for both appendicitis AND a twisted bowel.

The ER doctor was somewhat floored that Mario should have two seemingly separate medical issues simultaneously; several doctors conferred and they now think the appendicitis (still low grade, by the way) caused the twisted bowel.... which, the MRI seems to show, has now corrected itself, also somewhat unbelievably.

For tonight, they are going to load him full of antibiotics and see if they can manage his appendix that way. In the morning, they will be able to determine if this course is working or if he needs surgery.

In our years together, there have been eight nights when we slept apart. Four were when he went to Detroit to visit his daughter and grand daughters, and the other four were due to my business trips; in none of those cases did I sleep well. I have never slept without him for any "serious" reason. And I really don't want to. Ever.

Which is why, rather than getting the sleep I need in order to be back at the hospital at 6 am, the most sensible course seemed to be sitting in the livingroom writing this.


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