Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Trust Dilbert

Among the many blogs I enjoy daily is one Mr. Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert. The dude cracks me up. The dude also makes me think.

Today he posted a theory that people's moods are influenced by their footwear. It's a bit of a long theory, but it deals with conditioning your responses to your shoes. For example, he says that in the months leading up to his wedding, he took ballroom dancing lessons with his bride, and always made a point of wearing the tuxedo shoes he would ultimately wear at the wedding. Now, whenever he dons these shoes, he feels like dancing.

This makes sense to me; I remember getting an awesome hint on how to clean your house a few years ago: put on shoes. Don't do it barefoot, don't do it in slippers. Put on shoes, by God, because shoes mean Business.

Never one to shy away from the grossly personal, let me tell you that I reeeeeeeeeally miss the physical side of my relationship with Mario. You know, the guy who literally has to get out of bed in order to turn over at night. Sex is so not in our near future, but a girl can dream. And in the mean time, maybe I can start wearing stilettos around the house.


Blogger Kelly Fowler said...

boom CHICKA wah WAH... put on those stilettos, sistah.

May 23, 2007 at 6:26:00 p.m. AST  

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