Monday, May 7, 2007

The Biggest Quitter

Last Friday was the initial sign-up meeting for The Biggest Loser at work. Once again, there are ten teams, and as I mentioned, this year it's open to people who want to lose weight, and people who want to lose smoking.

Turns out that My Team is the only one to sign up for the smoking challenge. Which, I guess, means no matter what happens, we have already won our Division. Hmmm .

My two team mates are totally committed to this, but here's where my life gets more ironic: my team mates are Mario (so things could get reeeeeeeally interesting around our house), and my good friend Cindy, who will attend The Actual Official First Meeting with us next Friday.... on her last day of work, she is moving to a completely different city the very next day! At first they kind of hesitated to "allow" Cindy to join, but we pointed out that we could encourage each other over the phone and email, so she's in.

At the end of the day, this means I won't have the fellowship and community those 27 souls trying to lose weight have, and I am a little disappointed in that, but it's not going to stop me.

So, at the prelim meeting, the one thing they told the Smokers to do was keep a diary for a week of what time we smoke so that we can see our own patterns. (Well, let me save everybody some time, because I KNOW my pattern, that's why it's called A Pattern.) The reason they want to see our pattern is so we can slowly wean ourselves off smoking. I have a cigarette at 9:30am every day so, the program logic goes, I can still HAVE that cigarette, but I can't have it til 10:00am, and this way I will gradually decrease the amount I smoke until I stop.


This program is clearly being administered by people who have Never Smoked and therefore (sorry) have no idea what they're talking about, because every Smoker knows that weaning doesn't work, it just makes The Monster ANGRY.

And I would rather go cold turkey, and piss The Monster off for four days, then "wean" slowly and have Him screaming in my ear every day for the next ten weeks.

Maybe it's good there is only my team trying to quit, at least the people on my team know me and believe in me enough to try it my way instead of the Well-Meaning way dreamed up by people who have no idea what kind of hell we are about to experience.


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