Monday, May 14, 2007


Had a good but stressful day. Sigh, there is just never enough time to get caught up at work. It seems like the harder I work, the behinder I get. Still, at 5:15pm I balked and came home. Believe me, I could easily have stayed until 10pm, but I didn't feel like it and I think that, every once in a while, I should have the right to leave at the same time I stop getting paid.

Good, solid day of not smoking. I had a menu tasting at noon and ended up having to (of course) try some red wine. I had two dainty little sips, just enough to be able to judge the wine pairing, and then when it was all over, me and my Nicorette were as One. It was all good, at least today I knew not to actually drink the stuff. The Monster had kind of rolled over in his sleep and opened one eye, but the Nicorette tucked his blanket up around his shoulders, and he left me alone. THANK GOD.

I have a few things around the house that I want to get done tonight, and then I'm going to sit down with my June CK and write Kelly my commentary. I'm not sure when we started doing this, but every month we send each other our observations and impressions of the current CK issue, stuff like, "Page 88, bottom layout...Loving this, may be greatest layout ever" or "Page 151, what the hell was she thinking? This layout is shite." Or I will go all postal about some spelling mistake. I hardly ever criticize the spelling in layouts themselves because if you habitually spell a word incorrectly (or, in my case, type incorrectly), that''s part of who you are; scrapbooking isn't a spelling bee, alright? But I DO ger upset when there are blatant errors in ads. Two issues ago, I almost sought psychological help for my rage when I saw a full page ad which said part of their profits go to the Heart ACCOCIATION. Accociation, people. In a National Ad Campaign. It boggles the mind.

See? If I can rant and rave about spelling, you KNOW I feel like myself!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there Jen. Use a night light to keep that monster away if you have to!!
XOX Mare

May 15, 2007 at 8:28:00 p.m. AST  

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