Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Wind that watch a little tighter

As I have mentioned, I plan conventions for a living. In four days, I have what my general manager describes as "the single most prestigious piece of business this hotel has seen in 15 years".

Hmmm. No pressure THERE. Yeah yeah, I've done international conferences, I've done major celebrities, but this truly is monumental: I have all thirteen Canadian Premiers visiting for four days of meetings and social activities. Ok....I'm on it.

And while I'm dealing with our own provincial government, who are hosting the event (and are lovely, organized people, all. No, that's not sarcasm, I am thankful for them.) I am ALSO dealing with delegations from the other twelve provinces who have different needs, different requirements, different levels of organization. Oi vey. And somehow it is all coming together.

Two days ago, I find out that, two days before the conference, I ALSO have to plan a visit from the Prime Minister. Totally unrelated, of course (cough! cough!) that he chooses to come to my city a mere 48 hours before the Premiers. Whatever, my job isn't to question political motives, my job is to get things done. And let me tell you: a visit from the PM is a giant blister that usually requires all of my work hours. To have that thrown at me on TOP of the Premiers is asking a bit much.

(And just in case youcare, let me explain that th PM himself is not what makes the work...I have had three visits from our current Prime Minister and "he" is very easy to take care of. It's just all the advance visits, the RCMP presence, the evacuation routes to plan, the dogs sniffing all the rooms that make it a big production. It's not HIS fault, it's just part of the machine.)

And while all this is going on, I am also planning the catering for 6,000 people at the Tim & Faith concert. And dealing with my regular clients, who need my attention and shouldn't suffer because I have other irons in the fire.

It's all just a bit overwhelming right now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I was there to help you. I am thinking of you. miss you

August 4, 2007 at 3:57:00 p.m. AST  

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