Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Biggest Loser

Last fall, my hotel launched its own internal version of "The Biggest Loser", a television program I understand but have never seen.

There were 10 teams of three, all striving to change their pant size and their lives. There were weekly physical challenges, weekly nutritionchallenges, and weekly confidential weigh-ins. At the end of ten weeks, the "Results" were anounced in a very discreet way at our Christmas Party. I remember very distinctly the Team Who Won, all men, the results based on the PERCENTAGE of starting weight lost, not the actual pounds.

Let me explain the percentage thing, in case it seems weird. Let's say Bob is 5"10 and weighs 300 bls. Let's say Jane is 5"5 and weighs 150 lbs. At the end of the competion, should Bob "win" because he lost 70lbs & she only lost 10? Of course not, because for Jane to lose 70 lbs, she would frankly have to DIE. And she didn't NEED to lose 70 lbs, while Bob, frankly, could deal with a Diet Coke.

Getting back to the Christmas party, while the "Results" of each team was announced discreetly and without making anyone feel bad, the success of Everyone Who Participated was shared all around. Thirty people, ten weeks, 570 lbs lost SAFELY through Canada's Food Guide and the support of our Health Club Manager. Great night.

I didn't participate because while I may be carrying an extra ten pounds, I am ONLY carrying an extra ten pounds, and space on the program was limited.

Today the sign-up flyers for the Second Edition came out. And here's the kicker: this time, they want people who want to lose weight. And people who want to quit smoking. And those who want to do both. And the first meeting is Friday.

And I am going.

Screw my weight, I have been 140 lbs and I have been 95 lbs and I have been everything in between, and the weight isn't the issue. I AM A SMOKER and I am ready to stop.

I just want to stop.

So maybe I can stop without gaining twnety pounds; listen, I am WILLING to gain weight to stop this behaviour, but maybe I will be shown a way to get through this without buying new clothes.

And even if I HAVE to buy new clothes? I don't care. I don't want to smoke anymore.


Blogger Kelly Fowler said...

oh my gosh... seriously? this is big.

May 2, 2007 at 9:16:00 p.m. AST  

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