Two paths diverged in the woods...

I see myself in my son most clearly when we are in the woods.
How wonderful that we can have these times together, that we can enter nature's garden and truly see it. We will pause and examine a mushroom, or discuss at great length a pattern in a maple's bark, or stop suddenly simply so we can listen to the silence.
Yesterday, part of our ramble took us through heavily shaded forest, where long expanses of ice barred our easy passage, and demanded our full attention. Hand in hand, we creeped along the path, each sturdy tree trunk we reached a victory, each minor slip of the foot causing our hands to tighten. We laughed as we found small ways to evade the ice, but were always careful to consider where we trod, lest we damage some wakening plant.
When we finally found the light of the sun again, we turned to each other and praised each other for navigating the ice so successfully. And even though there was no longer need to hold hands, we did anyway.
I will remember this walk forever.
he's so big!! when did brian grow up??
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