Friday, December 1, 2006


Pretty tired, have been working both jobs all week and had excrutiatingly stressful day at my full time job today. Hey, it's just part of what I do... someday I'll EXPLAIN what I do, but not tonight.

My BFF wrote me today to tell me of the fire that destroyed her aunt's home. I look around my own home and thank God for all I have.

And tomorrow I will see my angel, my reason, my son. I will get that familiar, "Hullo, Mumma!!", and the hugs and kisses that come with that moment. And after the hug, he will say, "Mumma, you smell like you" with a sweet smile on his face.

And baby, you smell like you. What could be better.

Along with Mumma, my son also (inexplicably) calls me Am-ah. He started doing this about six months ago because it just sounded right to his imaginative 10 year old ears. And then we found out that "amah" is a Chinese word for a nursemaid or governess. And, in several Aboriginal languages in Canada, Amah means grandmother. Pretty cool coincidence, no?


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