Saturday, November 11, 2006

Funny Thing

From a month old email to my BFF, but worth repeating

Love is a funny thing. Love is deciding to make a life together and then living with the outcome, come hell or high water. Love is the inability to keep your hands off each other, and love is kind of sloggishly realizingy ou haven't been naked together in over a week but not really caring one way or the other.

Love is only attempting conversation during TV commercials, by mutual consent. And love is both of you desperately looking forward to the first episode of the new TV season for months, but then realizing your heated political conversation is more interesting and turning the damn thing mutual consent.

Love is a man holding you close and calling you "Dear", and knowing you are the most treasured and valued woman in the world. Love is the same man calling you "Dear", and choosing to ignore the sarcasm in his voice.

Love is deciding you need a table for your foyer, and long, catalogue-consulting hours spent together debating an inanimate object to beautify the home you have decided to make together. Love is more than a dozen trips over as many weeks to as many furniture stores searching for a table that seemingly doesn't exist except in your own imagination. Love is knowing when to stop looking and just forget it.

Three months after the search for The Table has been called off and our lives have moved on, love is opening your front door and almost banging your hip on the table your loved one purchased as a surprise for you while you worked 13 hours on your day off.

Funny thing.

The table is beautiful beyond my dreams, and more "what I wanted" than I could have described to anyone. Kind of like Mario.

Funny thing.


Blogger Kelly Fowler said...

i love this...write more.

November 11, 2006 at 6:59:00 p.m. AST  

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