Tuesday, June 12, 2007

It takes a stranger

Well, we got the results back from Mario's MRI, and his consult with his doctor. One herniated disc, one "compromised" disc, and arthritis in one hip. Christ.

He began physio on Monday, we'll see how that goes, it's really our last option before surgery.

The Stranger in the title of this post isn't a stranger to him, only to me. Against my express wishes, tonight on the way home, he also stopped at his chiropractor. "Witch doctor", Jennifer once again said under her breath.

Guess what the chiroprctor told him? "I am so proud of you, Mario. After five months of excrutiating pain, you are STILL walking around, you are STILL going to work every day, you haven't let this stop you from doing what you care about."


Sometimes, I forget to be proud of him.

Sometimes, it takes a stranger to show me.


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