Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Blast from the Past

I checked out my old blog tonight. (For anyone with waaaay too much time on thier hands, it's at http://www.xanga.com/JennBellyshorts ) Regardless, I found this post from last October, and in keeping with my post here today about his poor discs and his arthritis, it seemed relevant....

Sunday, October 22, 2006
Time to move my butt

Five pm, Mario is in the shower, I am still completely unwashed, we are expected at a dinner party at 7 pm. Or at least we think it's a dinner party. It may just be a party. Who knows.

Said unknown party is being held at least partially in Mario's honour, as today is his 55th birthday. My friend Robnoxious didn't realize that Mario was "that old" and commented, "Jenn...you gold digger!!" (all in good fun, of course, he knows I worship Mario.) (Besides, if there was any gold to be dug, I'd be writing this from a beach instead of our living room!)

Yup, Mario is 19 years older than me. SO WHAT. I love him, he loves me, we have our life, our dreams, our house, our pets, our bad habits, our good habits, our fascination with Criss Angel to sustain us. We are a normal couple. People who glom on to the age difference (and they do exist, although Robnoxious is not one of them) always amuse me. What, like I'd be better off with some 36 year old guy, just BECAUSE he's 36 ? No thank you.

Would I prefer that Mario was my age? sure, but only if it meant we would have more time together. I mean, there are no guarantees in life, and either one of us could be hit by a bus tomorrow. Why not just accept love when it comes?

So I will gladly be cast as the gold digger. And he can proudly say he has a trophy wife.
And then we can both piss ourselves laughing.


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